Church of Christ at Brushy
The Lord’s church at Brushy takes seriously the “Great Commission” - to take the gospel to the world as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19-20. Not only do they send missionaries into the world, but the members are willing to go themselves. The
following is a list of Brushy members who have gone to foreign mission fields.
1980-2000 : Soviet Union/Russia
-- Roy Demonbruen
-- Dale Burlison
-- Mike Kinnard
-- Sharon Kinnard
1980-2000: Germany
-- Gene Durham
-- Gene Durham
2000 - Present: Western Christian College - Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
-- Roy and Clara Shannon
El Salvador
-- Larry Hildebrandt -- David Grimes
-- Joshua Duncan -- Jeannine Grimes
-- James Atkinson -- Drew Grimes
-- Kim Atkinson -- Roy Shannon
-- Paige Atkinson -- Kim Freeman
-- Justin Atkinson -- Tony Duncan
-- Johnny Banks -- Debbie Irwin
-- Hunter Tanner -- Bev Adams
Fiji Islands
-- Tony Duncan
-- Cathy Duncan
-- Tony Duncan
(If we missed a missions thats not on this list, please contact the church at
Brushy with additional information. Thank you.)